IAM members now have until Friday, April 11 to register for the Local Lodge History Project class scheduled for June 8 to 13 at the William W. Winpisinger (WWW) Education and Technology Center in Hollywood, MD.
Click here for the call letter and enrollment forms.
The Local Lodge History Project teaches members how to uncover and tell the history of their Local Lodges. The week-long program will teach members how to organize a history project, how to do an oral interview and how to manage and preserve Local Lodge records. These include collecting oral histories, developing websites, preserving records and donating historical materials from Local Lodges to the Southern Labor Archives at Georgia State University, the official repository of the IAM.
This special program is limited to 21 participants from seven Local or District Lodges. Local or District Lodges choose three people to attend; one active member and two retired members. The Local Lodges are chosen to participate based on the following criteria:
Local Lodges interested in participating in the program are advised to fill out and return the attached forms no later than April 11, 2014. Click here for the call letter and enrollment forms.
Fax the completed forms to (301) 373-2860, attention Ruth Lowery or email them to rlowery@iamaw.org. If you have any questions regarding this unique program, please contact Greg Murray at (301) 373-3300.