Members of the Local 794 Retirees Club in Albuquerque, NM met recently with the director of the Retirees, Community & Membership Services Department, Charlie Micallef, and the field organizer for the New Mexico Alliance for Retired Americans, Terry Schleder, to kick off their effort to urge fellow retirees to become politically active in the 2012 general election campaign.
“This is the perfect time to get things started,” said Ernest “Red” Dow, Directing Business Representative of Local 794. “If this election is about anything, it is about maintaining the benefits that workers need in order to retire with dignity.”
“We are excited about the path our retirees in New Mexico are taking in this effort,” said Charlie Micallef. “The IAM will be ready to assist them in any way that we can.”
“Active participation by our retirees is vital to a successful election campaign,” said Western Territory GVP Gary Allen. “I wish all politically active retirees the best in their efforts toward making the 2012 general election a positive election for the Labor Movement and retirees across the country.”