Calling all Local Lodge officers! Is your current email address on file with the Grand Lodge?
The Winpisinger Center is preparing to distribute the 2022 Call for Leadership Programs and, for the first time, it will be distributed electronically. The W3 Center will be sending letters, forms, schedules and posters via email.
If you are a Local Lodge officer, please update your contact information with the Grand Lodge Membership Services Department as soon as possible so that the W3 Center can get the call letter to you in a timely manner. Estimated distribution is mid-September.
The Winpisinger Center will make an announcement when the 2022 Call for Leadership Programs is released. We encourage Local Lodge officers to review the call information as soon as possible upon receipt so that the Local or District can register members and officers before programs begin in January 2022.
If you need to update your contact information with the Membership Services Department, please call 301-967-4525 or send an email to