Deadline Approaching! Locals Encouraged to Apply for the Chris Wagoner Memorial Leadership Grant

We are excited to announce the Chris Wagoner Memorial Leadership Grant. Brother Wagoner, 30-year member of the IAM and retired director of the Winpisinger Center, believed that expanding opportunities for Leadership training was critical to our future growth and strength as a Union. The Grant provides financial support for locals that want to send current and emerging leaders to Leadership training but lack the resources to do so. 

Official Circular 908, which established the Grant, provides funding to one Local from each IAM Territory annually. As of 2025, this means the Eastern, Midwestern, Western, Southern, Canadian and Air Transport Territories as well as Headquarters and vicinity including the Rail Division. The grant will reimburse a selected Local for all incurred costs associated with the Local sending a member to a Leadership program at the Winpisinger Center.

The grant is renewable for each Local selected, and the member chosen by the Local may attend all four Leadership classes, one annually, provided they have satisfactorily completed the previous program and the Local submits an accountability statement affirming that the member has participated in, and contributed, to the Lodge’s activities.

Click here to read the full Official Circular and for application forms. The deadline to apply is January 31, 2025. Grants will be awarded and announced by February 28, 2025.

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