Support for the IAM organizing campaign at Delta Air Lines continues with a resolution of support adopted last week by the Representative Assembly of the 3.2 million-member National Education Association (NEA).
The NEA is the nation’s largest professional employee organization committed to advancing the cause of public education. Its 9,000-delegate Assembly is the organization’s primary legislative and policymaking body. Part of this year’s focus was to help rebuild the middle class by strengthening the labor movement.
“Plain and simple, you can’t have a middle class without unions!” said NEA President Dennis Van Roekel during his keynote speech. “Today’s fights are the fights for working Americans… They cannot be fought alone. They will require us to work alongside our allies. These fights will require a strong, unified, labor movement. So, we must do our part to rebuild that movement to what it once was.”
“The IAM would like to thank the NEA and its members for their show of solidarity in our fight to defend our Northwest membership and extend representation to Delta,” said IAM International President Tom Buffenbarger. “When the lives of thousands of workers and their families are on the line, it’s important that all brothers and sisters in the labor movement stand united behind the rights of workers to bargain for a better quality of life.”