Democratic Gov. John Lynch has vetoed a Republican attempt to make New Hampshire a right-to-work (for less) state, citing a lack of evidence that the legislation would actually benefit New Hampshire workers.
“In my time as a CEO, in my years spent in the private sector turning around companies, and in my seven years as governor, I have never seen the so-called right-to-work law serve as a valuable economic development tool,” wrote Gov. Lynch in his message to the state legislature. “ New Hampshire has a lower unemployment rate and a stronger economy than most states with so-called right-to-work laws. In states with a right-to-work law, workers on average have a lower standard of living, bringing home less in their paychecks and going without health insurance more frequently.”
Gov. Lynch says the push for right-to-work in New Hampshire is being driven by “national outside interest groups and is not a result of problems facing New Hampshire businesses or workers.”
A GOP campaign to override the governor’s decision in now underway. While the New Hampshire Senate passed the bill with a veto-proof majority, the House is expected to vote again on May 25th.