The National Mediation Board (NMB) announced that January 17, 2012 will be the starting date for a five-week election that can establish the IAM as the collective bargaining representative for 17,930 Passenger Service and Reservation employees at the airline formed by the merger of United Airlines, Continental Airlines and Continental Micronesia.
“Passenger Service and Reservation employees deserve the same protection of a union contract as every other major employee group at United Airlines,” said IAM Transportation General Vice President Sito Pantoja. “The IAM has the experience, resources and bargaining power to deliver a contract with the pay, benefits and job security that is appropriate to employees of the world’s largest airline.”
The NMB will mail Voting Instructions to eligible employees on January 17, 2012. Election results will be announced following a tally at 2 p.m. on February 21, 2012. The election will be conducted by Telephone Electronic Voting and Internet Voting.
“We are pleased that the long-awaited election for Passenger Service and Reservation employees at the new United Airlines will finally take place,” said IAM District 141 President Rich Delaney. “Our current and future members have been anxiously waiting for the opportunity to cast their vote for the Machinists Union.”
The IAM represents approximately 9,900 United Passenger Service and Reservation employees. Continental’s 7,800 Passenger Service and Reservation employees are unrepresented, and Continental Micronesia’s 230 employees are currently represented by another union.
More information about the IAM campaign is available at
Click here for the NMB’s election date notice.