In accordance with the provisions of Article III of the IAM Constitution, the IAM will conduct elections for the offices of International President, General Secretary-Treasurer and 8 General Vice Presidents for terms ending on June 30, 2017. In Canada, elections will be conducted for the offices of International President and General Secretary-Treasurer only.
Voting for these Grand Lodge officers will be held at the first or only meeting of local lodges in the month of April 2014. In March 2014, all members will be mailed to their last known address a Notice of the date, time, and location of voting in their local lodge, and an absentee ballot request form.
Only members in good standing of the local lodge will be permitted to vote in the elections of Grand Lodge officers. All eligible members who arrive at the polls before closing will be permitted to cast their ballots. Polls will remain open for this purpose, if necessary.
Members who (1) reside more than 25 miles from the designated balloting place for their local lodge,* or (2) are confined because of verified illness, or (3) are on leave qualifying under U.S. or Canadian family leave law, or (4) are on vacation,** or (5) are on official IAM business, or (6) are unable to vote during polling hours due to employer assignment or shift, or (7) are on military leave, may vote by absentee ballot, upon request.
Eligible members wishing to receive an absentee ballot must complete an Absentee Ballot Request Form or a letter including the same information, and should deliver it in person or mail it no later than 10 days before the voting date of your local lodge to your local lodge recording secretary or, in the absence of the recording secretary, to the local lodge secretary-treasurer. For assistance and additional information about how to contact your recording secretary to obtain an absentee ballot, ask your shop steward, or call the IAM Membership Department at (301) 967-4525. For a copy of the Absentee Ballot Request Form, click here.
Your local lodge recording secretary will confirm your eligibility to vote by absentee ballot and mail you a ballot and instructions within 48 hours after receipt of your request. Members found not eligible to vote by absentee ballot will be so notified by mail within 48 hours after receipt of the request.
Absentee ballots must be received by your local lodge via mail in the designated P.O. Box on or before the time and date stated in the absentee ballot instructions included with the absentee ballot. Absentee ballots received after the time and date included in the absentee ballot instructions will not be counted.
Protest Procedures
As these elections are being supervised by the U. S. Department of Labor (DOL), all protests concerning the IAM elections process shall be filed in writing with DOL as soon as possible but no later than May 23, 2014, and should be addressed to Geneva Ferrando, DOL Election Supervisor, 800 N. Capitol Street, NW, Suite 120, Washington, DC 20002, telephone (202) 513-7309, fax (202) 513-7301, email:
*Distance is determined by the closest internet driving distance.
**Vacation is only a valid reason for active employees; it is not a valid reason for retirees to receive an absentee ballot.