Members of IAM Local 912 marched together in a show of solidarity during GE’s Health Ahead and OneEvendale Day. More than 300 members walked all around the campus during their lunch – and management took notice.
“I’m extremely proud of our members,” said Local 912 President Mark Goodhart. “Our display of solidarity today made a huge impact. My thanks to everyone involved, and to the other union employees at Evendale who also joined our march.”
“Our members sent a strong message to General Electric with this action,” said Headquarters General Vice President Brian Bryant. “They are marching in solidarity and are fully prepared for this round of negotiations.”
National contract negotiations will be held this June in Cincinnati as local negotiations are already under way. Across the nation, locals in the Collective Bargaining Council (CBC) have been passing strike ratification votes with record numbers.
In addition to events like this, Lodge 912 members have been showing great support of their Bargaining Committee, raising over $7,700 in funds to offset negotiation costs. Earlier this year, the entire committee attending training at the William W. Winpisinger Center in Hollywood, MD to prepare for this round of bargaining.