Members of the IAM Local 1943 Community Services Committee drop off donated goods and funds to the Yellow Ribbon Support Center in Cincinnati, OH. From left: Local 1943 Community Services Committee Chairman Steve Hollon, Committee member Jennifer Meyer, YRSC Founder Keith Maupin, YRSC volunteer Edie Kibbey and Committee member Jeff Geier. |
For the seventh year in a row, members of IAM Local 1943 collected donations and money for the Yellow Ribbon Support Center (YRSC) to help in its ongoing efforts to provide material support and comfort to America’s servicemen and women in harm’s way by sending care packages of food, snacks, personal grooming items and entertainment.
Members of the IAM Local 1943 Community Services Committee unload a truck load of goods collected during their annual drive to support the Yellow Ribbon Support Center, which sends care packages to service men and women overseas. |
The yearly drive, led by Local 1943 Community Services Committee member Jeff Geier, collects various items throughout locations in the mill at AK Steel and at the Local Lodge in Middletown, OH.
The YRSC was founded by Keith Maupin of nearby Mount Caramel, OH after his son, U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Matt Maupin, was captured in Iraq by al-Qaida insurgents in April 2004. Frustrated by helplessness, the elder Maupin began sending care packages to soldiers in Iraq, along with posters and stickers with Matt’s picture asking “Have you seen my face?”
After four long years of relentless effort, Matt’s remains were found and returned home to Ohio.
The mission didn’t stop there. The elder Maupin has maintained his son’s memory by providing boxes of goodies to the armed forces, and since 2005 the YRSC has sent more than 25,000 care packages to men and women serving on foreign soil.
“The members of Local 1943 support our military in every way we can,” said Geier. “Mr. Maupin and his organization gives us a great opportunity to show that support, and provide our troops serving overseas with care packages from home.”
To date, Local 1943 members have donated more than seven truckloads of goods and over $15,000 to the YRSC.