Ohio Unarco Workers Win IAM Representation

Newly elected IAM District Lodge 54 Unarco Shop Committee, Pictured L to R First Row: Trevor Eisenbach, Chief Shop Steward; Michael Ault, Steward; Harold Golden, Jr., Steward; and Shane Jackson, Alternate Steward. Second Row: T. Dean Wright, Jr., President and DBR and Jerry Espy, ST/Organizer.

Twenty eight employees at Unarco Material Handling, Inc. in Pandora, OH, voted to join the IAM.

In the campaign, management engaged in tactics typically used in union-avoidance campaigns to coerce employees to vote against union representation. “Our new IAM members were able to see through the scare tactics,” said IAM District 54 Assistant Directing Business Representative Andy Campbell. “Inspired by their sister plant that is organized in Tennessee, these workers were determined to be successful in their own efforts to organize their workplace here in Ohio to improve their working conditions.”
“Congratulations and welcome to our new IAM members at Unarco,” said IAM District 54 President and Directing Business Representative T. Dean Wright, Jr. “This is a great victory for these workers, their families, District 54 and the IAM. Special thanks go out to our Organizer, Jerry Espy for a job well done on this campaign.”

The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) is expected to certify the election within ten days, at which point the IAM can begin to bargain for a first contract.

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