Many IAM Women’s Committees and Human Rights Committees worked together to rally support for HR 4510 — The Sojourner Truth Bill. This legislative push was an effort by the National Congress of Black Women, Inc. to add Soujourner Truth to the famous statue commemorating the work of women suffragists Lucretia Mott, Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony. more
Support Mothers and Caregivers
Join NOW in supporting mothers and caregivers by adding your name to the petition encouraging real family values through public policies and workplace benefits that recognize and promote the value and work ofcargiving and caregivers.
Canadian Childcare Crisis
Canadians are speaking out on the issue of childcare. Currently $4 billion in funding for childcare is in danger of being lost to budget cuts. Canadian Residents can learn more and sign a petition supporting Code Blue for Child Care. (French version).