At the April 2019 Western Territory Organizing Summit General Vice President Gary R. Allen, challenged the territory leadership to seek out and launch organizing campaigns targeted at nontraditional industries. While many fields were discussed healthcare was listed as one of the most in need of justice on the job.
Grand Lodge Representative Joe Solis, Special Representative Ryan Carrillo, along with Associate Organizers Bob Simoni and Nicole Pugh, answered that call by organizing a group of Service Contract Act (SCA) dental hygienists and dental assistants, at Nellis Air Force Base in Las Vegas.
Old fashioned face to face organizing tactics produce results yet again. The initial lead was cultivated by a conversation initiated by Simoni. Brother Simoni was able to spark the interest of the dental group by educating them on the benefits of unionizing. He then pointed out the IAM’s impeccable record negotiating some of the finest first contracts in all of labor.
“This Win is very exciting because it allows us to come to the aid of a new group of workers in need of justice on the job,” said Allen of the victory, “We anticipate that this is only the first in a string of successful campaigns in healthcare. My sincerest congratulations to our newest IAM members. These workers are the epitome of the fighting Machinists. Their never surrender mentality at no time faltered. They resolved to improve their lives and that of their families with a unanimous vote in spite of the company’s anti-union offensive.”