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  • News May 2, 2006

    Changes for the Carmen Supplemental Sickness Benefit Plan

    Changes for the Carmen Supplemental Sickness Benefit Plan Broadspire, Inc. is now administering the Supplemental Sickness Benefit Plan (R-5000) which is negotiated by the TCU Carmen Division on behalf of Carmen members working for the railroads covered by the National Agreement. The plan was previously administered by Unum Provident Insurance Company. Broadspire, Inc. will administer

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  • News May 2, 2006

    NMB Holds Hearing on Fee Proposal

    NMB Holds Hearing on Fee Proposal On January 11, 2005, the National Mediation Board (NMB) held a public hearing on its proposed rule change to impose a schedule of fees for grievance handling before the National Railroad Adjustment Board (NRAB) and public law boards. (Read More) TCU representatives, together with other rail labor representatives, were

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  • News May 2, 2006

    TCU Fights Weakening of 13(c) Protections

    TCU Fights Weakening of 13(c) Protections The hostile 13(c) provisions that were inserted in the Senate TEA-21 legislation will go to conference soon after the Memorial Day congressional recess concludes. TCU’s Legislative Department has been vigorously fighting to have these measures removed. Our representatives have attended many meetings with both House members and Senators seeking

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  • News May 2, 2006

    Amtrak Board Seeks No Funding for Operations

    Amtrak’s Board Seeks No Funding for Operations The Amtrak Board of Directors in its annual report to Congress has asked for no money for the operation of the nation’s passenger trains. Under federal law Amtrak is required to submit an annual report to Congress. Historically Amtrak’s Board of Directors has used this as the time

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  • News May 2, 2006

    Amtrak Final Appropriation BIll

      AMTRAK FINAL APPROPRIATION BILL February 14, 2003…On Thursday, February 13, 2003, the House and Senate adopted H. J. Res. 2, the Omnibus Appropriation bill, which has been sent to the President for his signature. The Conferees reached a deal for funding Amtrak in Fiscal 2003. The nation’s rail carrier will receive a total of

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