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  • News May 2, 2006

    ?Surge’ Conference to Examine National Security

    May 2, 2006 – The IAM will host a roundtable discussion on May 3-4 at its headquarters in Upper Marlboro, MD to examine the nation’s shrinking industrial base and its lasting impact on national security. IAM International President Tom Buffenbarger will preside over the “Surge Roundtable,” which will include representatives from major defense firms, defense

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  • News May 2, 2006


    Dear Mr. Adams, We have been informed by the IUF of the anti-union campaign launched by Reynolds American in response to worker support for union representation and union efforts to gain recognition at RAI facilities in and near Winston-Salem, North Carolina. We are shocked and deeply disturbed by the overtly anti-union message and the veiled

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  • News May 2, 2006

    May 2006 Sisters of the Month

    US Sister of the Month Shirley Dickes Sister Shirley Dickes became Recording Secretary for Local Lodge 700 in Connecticut, and has held that position for the last 8 years of her 18 year union career. As a Material Processor at Pratt & Whitney, she became more involved with the union because she saw the need

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  • News April 29, 2006

    Letter Of Solidarity From Spain

    Dear Mr. Adams, Estimad@s compañer@s: Nuestra internacional UITA, nos ha informado de la actitud antisindical, que mantiene la empresa Reynolds American. Deseamos expresaros nuestra solidaridad ante esta situación e informaros que hemos trasladado a nuestra Federación, para su conocimiento, información al respecto. Por último, también le hemos enviado a la empresa un  mensaje de protesta.

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  • News April 29, 2006

    Letter Of Support To BAT CEO Paul Adams

    Dear Mr. Adams, We have been informed by the IUF of the anti-union campaign launched by Reynolds American in response to worker support for union representation and union efforts to gain recognition at RAI facilities in and near Winston-Salem, North Carolina. We are shocked and deeply disturbed by the overtly anti-union message and the veiled

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