Retired IAM Western Territory Reps. and guests, including retired Western Territory General Vice President Lee Pearson, back row second from right, gathered in Seattle for a reunion and planning session on future activities. |
Retirees play a vital role in the IAM. Their years of experience and willingness to devote their time to community and union-related activities are invaluable. Recently, IAM Business Reps and their spouses from mostly Western states gathered for two days in the Seattle area to share experiences and plans for their future as activists.
IAM Western Territory General Vice President Gary Allen sponsored a barbecue for an initial meeting and special guests included retired General Vice President Lee Pearson, District Lodge 751 President and Directing Business Representative John Holden and District Lodge 751 Secretary-Treasurer Sue Palmer.
“Our retired Representatives are a wealth of knowledge and excellent mentors for our current reps and activists,” said Allen. “The consistent exchange of ideas and experiences from our prior leaders will be hugely beneficial to bringing our Union forward.”
The group also toured the Americas Car Museum in Tacoma, WA and held a business meeting to discuss next year’s reunion and goals for future activities. Many felt Arizona was a prime location for the next year’s activities to organize for the general election because of the large number of IAM retirees there.
The reunion was originally organized in the Old Northwest Territory and was expanded to include all 13 states of the current Western Territory after the territories were merged.
“It was great to be part of the reunion for the group, some of whom hadn’t seen each other in years,” said Western Territory Grand Lodge Rep. and Territory Retiree Coordinator Kevin Cummings. “The laughs, stories and genuine respect that each had for the rest was evident as they talked about what they are doing and what they see as future steps for the IAM. I was hanging out with legends and warriors, it was an honor for me, I can’t wait to see where we go from here”