Members of Rocket City Local 2766 in Madison, AL have a new four-year contract with the Boeing Company in Huntsville, AL that includes a $2,500 signing bonus in addition to four annual wage increases of three percent, two percent, two percent and two percent. The new contract also contains a guarantee that health care premiums for members will remain the same in the first year of the contract and will be reduced by 4 percent the second year. Finally, health care costs will be capped in the final two years of this new agreement.
This contract also calls for raising the pension multiplier by $6 to $79 per month, times years of service, in addition to a one-hour union orientation with all new employees, classification upgrades and improvements to life insurance and disability. IAM members will also have the option to buy up to $250,000 in death and dismemberment insurance at the Boeing Company’s group rate.
According to Aerospace Coordinator Mark Johnson, the protection of affordable healthcare benefits was the priority for this membership in this round of negotiations with the Boeing Company. “We were successful because the membership was prepared and determined to reach this goal,” said Johnson. “District 75 BR Gary Wills and District 75 DBR Steve Pridgen put together an outstanding Committee with invaluable help from the staff at Winpisinger Center and Strategic Resources Assistant Director David White.”
Prior to the negotiations with Boeing, representatives from District 75 and Local 2766 attended the negotiation prep class at the Winpisinger Center.