First and foremost, during these challenging times, Guide Dogs of America hopes everyone is well and staying safe.
In the spirit of optimism, GDA is looking forward to the future as it announces the 40th annual William W. Winpisinger Charity Banquet, to be held at the Paris Hotel in Las Vegas on November 21, 2020.
GDA is extremely proud to announce this year’s “Gift of Sight” honorees, who have been so generous to Guide Dogs of America:
GDA has a fantastic event planned for 2020. This year’s theme will be “Rodeo,” and GDA is premiering a new and exciting off-road experience. Hold your horses! GDA is planning quite a round up and more information will follow.
GDA remains open with a small core staff who are responsible for the care and training of our future guide dogs. It is focused on supporting its mission of transforming lives through partnerships with service dogs.