Midterm elections for the Senate will be held on November 7, 2006 for 33 of 100 seats; 15 Republicans are retiring or running for reelection; 17 Democrats are retiring or running for reelection; and 1 independent is retiring. Senators elected in this election will serve until January 3, 2013. The IAM has targeted these key races below.
Connecticut – Ned Lamont, Lamont Digital Systems.
Founded own company and spent eight years in local government, chaired the state investment advisory council, and served on the many civic boards and is a volunteer teacher at a Bridgeport High School.
Website: http://nedlamont.com/
Maryland - Ben Cardin, Congressman
A senior member of the House Ways & Means Committee and ranking member of the Trade Subcommittee and the Helsinki Commission, and a national leader on issues such as health care, Social Security, retirement savings, trade and human rights.
Website: http://www.bencardin.com/
Missouri – Claire McCaskill, Missouri State Auditor.
Missouri State Auditor since 1999 has also serveed as County Prosecutor and the Missouri State House from 1983-1988.
Website: http://www.claireonline.com/
Montana – Jon Tester, Montana Senate.
Senator Tester recently completed his fourth regular session in the Montana Senate, serving as the minority whip for the 2001 session, and minority leader for the 2003 session, Tester was selected in 2005 by his colleagues to lead as President of the Montana Senate, serving as the chief presiding officer of the Montana Legislature’s upper chamber.
Website: http://www.testerforsenate.com/
New Jersey – Bob Menendez, Senator.
After September 11th, Bob earned national recognition for his leadership in reforming America’s intelligence and a leading voice helping to beat back President Bush’s Dubai port deal.
Website: http://www.menendez2006.com/
Ohio – Sherrod Brown, Congressman.
Led the fight in Congress against the fundamentally-flawed Central America Free Trade Agreement, securing more “no” votes against a trade agreement than any other time in modern U.S. history.
Website: http://www.sherrodbrown.com/
Pennsylvania – Bob Casey, State Treasurer.
An advocate for older Pennsylvanians by leading the fight to improve the quality of long-term care and expand prescription drug coverage.
Website: http://www.bobcasey.com/
Rhode Island – Sheldon Whitehouse, Former U.S. Attorney
Founded the Quality Institute, an organization dedicated to improving the quality of health care in Rhode Island. He also led the effort to rebuild the workers compensation system and helped lead a successful resolution to the banking crisis.
Website: http://www.whitehouseforsenate.com
Washington – Maria Cantwell, Senator.
Worked hard to help boost Washington’s economy and create jobs by supporting the IAM and longtime state industries such as aerospace.
Website: http://www.cantwell.com/
Vermont – Bernard Sanders, Senator.
Believes that our current trade policies, NAFTA, PNTR with China and the WTO have been a disaster for American workers. At a time when the US has lost 2.7 million manufacturing jobs over the last 3 years, supports fundamental changes in our trade policies.
Website: http://bernie.org/
To locate other states not listed with Senate races, visit this easy to use Election 2006 Candidates & Information page (http://www.capwiz.com/iamaw/e4/), select your state by using the interactive map or use the the drop down menu to register to vote.
From your state’s page you can view the 2006 Mid-Term Election information and a listing of all the candidates in your state.
These webpages have been paid for by the Machinists Non-Partisan League.