A determined group of 19 Baggage Agents, Ticket Agents, Ground Package Handlers and Janitors who are employed by Greyhound in Albuquerque, NM, voted overwhelmingly to join the IAM.
“This is a victory worth celebrating,” said Ernest “Red” Dow, Directing Business Representative of Local 794 in Albuquerque, NM. “None of this would have been possible without the assistance of internal organizing committee members Maggie Flores and IAM Union Steward Mike Dillander. I would also like to give a special thanks to Western Territories NLRB Coordinator Claudio Figueroa and Automotive Coordinator Boysen Anderson for their help and assistance in securing the election without having to go to a hearing. I look forward to negotiating their first contract.”
There are now two bargaining units at Greyhound in Albuquerque. The other unit belongs to the Master Agreement between the IAM and Greyhound.
“This is a prime example that there are organizing opportunities everywhere, even in areas where it might look like there are no more workers left to organize,” said Western Territory GVP Gary R. Allen. “On behalf of the IAM, we welcome the new members of Local Lodge 794 and we look forward to assisting them in the negotiation of their first contract.”