The IAM continues to expand in the Caribbean with another large win for Local 2725 in Puerto Rico. Two hundred and sixty-four Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN) at the San Juan Hospital Auxilio Mutuo voted for IAM representation in a run-off election after a March 24 election where the IAM finished in the top two of a four-way contest.
“This election was about respect, rights and protections on the job,” said Southern Territory Organizer Carlos San Miguel. “Local 2725 Business Rep Jose Rodriguez Baez worked hard with the LPN Organizing Committee throughout the campaign. The LPNs heard from other Local 2725 members about how hard the IAM fought for their members, and they were also impressed at how democratic our union is. That was very important for them.”
“The IAM will fight just as hard for our newest members to get them the contract and the protections they deserve,” said Southern Territory GVP Bob Martinez. “It was a big win, and we will continue to grow our presence in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Our success in organizing, negotiating and servicing means that we will continue to become a force for workers where they need a strong union the most.”
GVP Martinez also thanked the Organizing Department’s Macario Camorlinga, the Eastern Territory’s District Lodge 15 Business Representative Juan Negron and District 166’s Organizer Javier Alamazan for their help during the campaign.