Members of the Spanish Leadership Working Group met at the Winpisinger Center last week to prepare for the upcoming Spanish Leadership I and II Programs in May and June of this year. The group met over three days to review, revise, update, and translate the curriculum materials associated with these two leadership programs.
All the Leadership Programs (I, II, and Advanced) at the Winpisinger Center – both English and Spanish – have been updated and restructured; new content that focuses on the importance of organizing and introduces the skills necessary to effectively assist in local organizing campaigns have been added to the curriculum of the all the Leadership Programs.
“The members of the Spanish Leadership Working Group work incredibly hard to ensure that our Spanish-speaking sisters and brothers have access to the highest quality, most up-to-date curriculum materials and resources. The Spanish Leadership Programs offered at the Winpisinger Center would not be possible without their commitment, dedication and hard work,” said International President Tom Buffenbarger. Buffenbarger further observed that “the Leadership Programs at the Winpisinger Center have been and continue to be a gateway to union activism and are a critical part of mentoring future IAM leaders. The Spanish Leadership Programs open the door and makes these mentoring and leadership-development opportunities available to more of our members. The IAM is strengthened when more of our members have access to this kind of education.”
Openings remain in both the May 6 Spanish Leadership I Program as well as the June 10 Spanish Leadership II Program. However, the registration deadline for the May 6 Leadership I Program is rapidly approaching, so act now. “The content of and structure of English and Spanish Leadership Programs are identical, so if a member attended Leadership I in English and would like to attend Spanish Leadership II, that is an option,” noted Winpisinger Center Director Chris Wagoner.
Click here to download an enrollment form and find out more details about the Spanish Leadership Programs. If you have any questions about enrolling in the Spanish Leadership Programs, please contact Winpisinger Education Rep Richard Suarez at 301.373.8823 or email: