TCU and Rail Labor File Protest Of National Mediation Board’s Proposed Rule Changes 9-21-04 – Under date of September 20, TCU and all the other AFL-CIO rail labor unions filed a statement in opposition to the National Mediation Board’s (NMB) proposed rule changes for handling cases at the National Railroad Adjustment Board. The United Transportation Union filed separately also in opposition to the proposed rules. TCU General Counsel Mitch Kraus served as lead attorney in preparing the comments, and TCU’s Executive Director of Industry Relations Bill Miller, who also serves as Chairman of the National Railroad Adjustment Board, authored the chief affidavit supporting the arguments made in our brief. TCU’s Legislative Department was instrumental in having Senators Ted Kennedy, Tom Harkin and Arlen Specter also file comments in opposition to the NMB’s proposed rule changes. TCU has requested that the NMB hold a hearing before deciding on whether to proceed with implementation of the proposed rules. Should the NMB go ahead anyway and impose “fees” for arbitration, TCU and the rest of rail labor will immediately go to court to have the rule changes halted as being in violation of the Railway Labor Act. Click here to read TCU and Rail Labor’s Comments in opposition to NMB’s proposed rule changes. Click here to read Senator Kennedy’s letter in opposition to NMB’s proposed rule changes. |