Right-wing paramilitary groups are responsible for the killing of more than 2,850 trade unionists in Colombia. Yet, lurking inside the halls of Washington is an aggressive, well-funded and under-publicized lobbying effort to pass a seriously-flawed free trade agreement (FTA) with the Colombian government.
Congress must vote “No” on the Colombia FTA.
“Passage of the Colombia FTA would mean aiding and abetting a country where some 150 trade unionists have been killed in just the last three years. Many of these crimes have gone unpunished,” said IAM International President Tom Buffenbarger. “Working families must not allow the deep pockets of profit-driven multi-national companies to drive this debate. We must stand with our fellow union brothers and sisters.”
Click here to see a slideshow of the Colombian atrocities.
Then take action! Click “Like” on the IAM Facebook page. Together we can tell Congress the proposed FTA fails to protect workers. Tell them to vote “No” on the Colombia Free Trade Agreement.