Tennessee VW Workers Achieve Union Representation

UAW President Dennis Williams discusses the formation of Local 42 for Volkswagen workers in Chattanooga, TN. (Photo by Joan Silvi)

Workers at the Volkswagen (VW) manufacturing plant in Chattanooga, TN will now have the opportunity to join UAW Local 42. The recent announcement comes despite a narrowly-lost union election in February that was heavily influenced by outside sources, including numerous Republican politicians.

None of the plant’s workers will be required to join the union and no dues will be collected before a collective bargaining contract is agreed upon.

“Earlier this year, the UAW was gratified to earn the confidence and support of many Volkswagen team members,” said UAW President Dennis Williams. “At that time, we said we would not give up on these committed and hard-working employees. We’re keeping our promise.”

Just four days after the UAW’s announcement, VW declared the addition of a new product line at the Chattanooga plant, which the company says will result in 2,000 additional jobs.

Click here to watch a video announcing the formation of UAW Local 42.

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