Negotiations Successful for Amtrak Product Line Supervisors, Clerks and On Board Service Workers

Lodge 5093 meeting in DC 5-27-2008 copy.jpg




Tentative agreements were reached Friday, May 23, 2008 for ARASA product line supervisors at Amtrak, as well as for clerks and on board service workers there. Ratification packets are being sent to involved members; ballots must be received at TCU headquarters by June 27 to be counted.   Any involved member who has not received a packet, who needs a replacement ballot, or who would like further information should email  Read the two sections of the ARASA Product Line Supervisors packet:  Summary and Agreement.

In brief, the contracts extend from January 1, 2005 through December 1, 2009.  Wage increases and employee health insurance contributions are identical for this period to all the contracts previously ratified earlier this year by every other craft on Amtrak.  There is full retroactivity back to the first wage increase on July 1, 2005; the retroactive pay will be paid in one 100 percent  installment.  There are no work rule changes. 

Meeting May 27 to review the terms of the newly-initialed Amtrak contract with International Representative Joe Derillo were members of Lodge 5093 in Washington, D.C. Seen in the photo from left are Sandy Worley, William Ferguson, Justin Collins, Ginger McLeod, FST Julie Byrne, Derillo and General Chairman Larry Vollten. Click here  to see photos taken at the signing of the tentative agreements.

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