Carman Lodge 6508 Member Receives 2019 IAM Scholarship Award
June 18, 2019
During Local Lodge T6508 Waycross, GA Union meeting on June 10, 2019, TCU Carmen Division Assistant General President, Donald Grissom, along with National Representative, Jason Cox, presented Brother Douglas Cobbs the 2019 IAM Scholarship Award from International President, Martinez. Brother Cobbs will be attending Coastal Pines Technical College in Waycross, GA, and will be majoring in Accounting. Brother Cobbs is currently working as a CSX Carman in the Waycross Transportation Yard. Also, pictured in the second row from left to right are Local Officers, Vice President, Robbie Rowell, Local Chairman, Bobby Gentry, President, Ryan Bartram and Financial Secretary/Treasurer, Michael Jones.