TCU Sends Joint Letter to President Obama in Support of Advanced Coal Technologies

In a joint letter To President Obama from seven unions TCU President Bob Scardelletti, along with the other six presidents asked that, advanced coal technology be expressly included in the energy policy currently being advanced by the White House.
Also included in the letter is the concern over the potential job losses under the U.S. EPA’s final Mercury and Air Toxics Standard (MASTS) rule and to ensure that this rule provides for the construction of new, state-of-the-art coal generating capacity.
The letter states;
We anticipate thousands of construction jobs resulting from utility compliance with MATS, but are concerned about a far larger loss of permanent jobs in the mining, utility and transport sectors due to plants that are retired in response to the rule and the inability to construct new advanced coal generation plants. 

Ensuring a long-term future for the construction of new advanced coal generating facilities should be a cornerstone of national energy policy, helping to ease the transition due to the retirement of older units.
Click here to read the joint letter to President Obama.

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