Drastic Transportation Cuts Voted Down in the House

The Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD) of which TCU is a member, issued a statement on the defeat of the Broun Motion to Instruct conferees on the Surface Transportation Extension Act of 2012 (H.R.4348). TTD had previously sent letters to every member of the house requesting that they vote no on the Broun Motion. The motion was defeated by a vote of 83 for and 323 against.

In the statement TTD President Edward Wytkind said, “An overwhelming House majority today rejected a motion that would have done serious damage to our nation’s transportation system and delivered a death blow to our economy. Make no mistake that the 83 Republicans who voted for the motion were directly voting to slash American jobs.

“With the rejection of these draconian transportation cuts, we hope this sends a clear message to those in the House who are more interested in scoring political points than completing a surface transportation bill that will both maintain and create nearly three million American jobs.”

Click here to read the letter sent to Congress from the TTD.

Click here to read the TTD statement about the rejection of the Broun Motion.

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