TCU Sends Letter of Tribute to Former Congressman James Oberstar

TCU sent a letter to be included in the upcoming TTD retirement tribute to former House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman James Oberstar, D-MN.

TCU and the labor community lost one of its policy making giants in the midterm elections when House Transportation and Infrastructure Chairman James Oberstar, D-Minn., was defeated by his Republican challenger Chip Cravaack. Congressman Oberstar served 36 years in Congress. He was a true friend of TCU with unmatched influence in the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee. Mr. Oberstar’s retirement will leave a huge void. He was a tireless fighter for working men and women.  He was a staunch advocate for Amtrak, Commuter and Freight Rail workers.  As the dust settles and questions arise about what happens next, it is fitting to reflect back at what positive roles Mr. Oberstar played in our lives both on and off the job.

Click here to read the letter from TCU.

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