The Time is Now – Call Your Representative January 13th for Health Care Reform That Works for TCU Members

After a long, hard fight, we’re down to our final opportunities to make sure that the health care reform passed this year works for TCU members and working families all over the country.

Call your representative Wednesday, Jan. 13, as part of a national call-in day on health care reform. Urge your friends to call the House, too.

TCU is adamantly opposed to any legislation that will tax our members hard earned benefits.

Both the House and Senate have passed health care reform bills that will be merged into final legislation over the next few weeks. The House version is far better for TCU and working families–so on Wednesday, working family activists across the country will urge their representatives to stick to their guns and vote for health care reform that:

  • DOES NOT tax our health care benefits.
  • Requires employers to pay their fair share.
  • Controls health care costs by creating a public health care insurance plan option.

On Wednesday January 13th  call 1-877-323-5246 and tell congress to pass real health care reform.

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