National Railroad Retirement Investment Trust (NRRIT)

Railroad Retirement assets are managed and invested by the National Railroad Retirement Investment Trust, on which retired TCU Vice President Joel Parker serves.

Click here to view the quarterly and annual reports on the RRB website.

To learn more about the NRRIT, go to the website.



Retired TCU VP Parker Serves as Chairman of NRRITparker_tcu.jpg

The National Railroad Retirement Investment Trust was established in 2001 TCU Vice President Joel Parker was elected as a trustee for a three year term and subsequently reelected for each succeeding three year term thereafter. The vote was taken by representatives of the unions of the Cooperating Railway Labor Organizations group.  Upon his retirement from TCU Joel Parker now serves as Chairmen of the NRRIT.

The NRRIT,  created as part of the 2001 landmark railroad retirement improvements legislation, manages Railroad Retirement assets and invests them in a diversified portfolio to achieve maximum profits while maintaining the system’s security.



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