A 9/11 Message from GVP Pantoja
General Vice President Sito Pantoja today issued the following statement on the anniversary of 9/11:
Sisters and Brothers, today marks the seventeenth anniversary of the September 11th terrorist attacks on our nation. Each year, we respectfully honor those who died on that horrific day and the thousands of brave individuals who helped save lives during and after the disaster. Whether you lost someone dear to you or watched in horror and confusion as it unfolded on TV, the events of that day continue to shape every aspect of our lives and society.
The IAM lost three courageous members that day, United Airlines Customer Service employees Marianne McFarland and Jesus Sanchez who were onboard United 175 and IAM Organizer and New York City Firefighter Keith Maynard who died in the World Trade Center collapse. We will also never forget the heroism of the crew members who lost their lives on that fateful day.
Please take some time today to remember our lost heroes, and to also recognize the thousands of Machinists who work every day to ensure our safety as we travel by air and rail.
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