A Memorial Day Message from GVP Pantoja
Today we remember and thank all those who gave their lives for our freedom and the promise of freedom for people around the globe. We also remember their families, who are forced to deal with their loss every day. This year Memorial Day takes on even more meaning as we adapt to the necessary temporary limits on our freedom due to the deadly and contagious COVID-19 virus.
We can best honor their memory and sacrifice by acting responsibly toward each other to ensure we can resume the lives of freedom for which these heroes gave their own life. We are all eager for our things to return to normal, for a time when we do not have to think about personal protective equipment every time we leave our homes. We look forward to the day when personal interaction doesn’t come with the fear of catching or transmitting a potentially fatal disease. 
Some take freedom for granted and forget that it comes with a cost. Today’s temporary changes cannot even compare to the ultimate selfless acts of those we remember and honor today.
I wish you and your families a safe and happy Memorial Day.
Sito Pantoja, General Vice President
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