The House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Friday introduced the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Reauthorization Act of 2018. The proposed five-year bill includes language that would provide protection for customer service agents from physical abuse and also gives flight attendants a minimum rest of at least ten uninterrupted hours.
The IAM has been aggressively lobbying Congress to adopt this pro-airline worker language, meeting with lawmakers from both parties and holding rallies on Capitol Hill. IAM members have also called members from the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, urging them to support these changes.
“The IAM has vigorously fought on Capitol Hill to have this language included in this bill,” said Transportation GVP Sito Pantoja. “I congratulate our legislative team and our IAM members who lobbied tirelessly to bring these protections to fruition.”
The bill also contains key U.S. aviation job protections, a study on the safety impact of shrinking seat pitch, cabin evacuation standards, no voice calls on planes, cockpit secondary barriers and nursing facilities in airports.
The IAM, however, has deep concerns regarding language in the bill that could weaken the demand for fully qualified airframe and powerplant technicians.
“Although much progress was achieved in this bill, we still have a lot of hard work ahead of us to protect the future of licensed aircraft mechanics,” added GVP Pantoja.