Air Transport

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  • Air Transport December 18, 2013

    Buffenbarger Urges Congress Not to Drop Hammer on Unemployed

    Amid a painfully slow economic recovery, IAM International President Tom Buffenbarger called on Congress to extend Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) to the nation’s unemployed. “Since 1958 Congress has continued the EUC program when long term unemployment, as a percent of the workforce, is as high as it is now,” said Buffenbarger. “Long term unemployment remains

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  • Air Transport December 12, 2013

    Vote to help Guide Dogs of America (GDA) Receive 10 Million Charity Miles on United Airlines.

    The United Charity Miles Holiday Campaign awards participating nonprofits with free miles to use for travel, transport and other needs. Users are asked to vote for their favorite nonprofit every day through December 31. The more votes an organization gets, the more miles it will receive at the end of the campaign. The United Charity

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  • Air Transport December 9, 2013

    IAM Skips ‘New’ American Airlines’ Debut

    The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) today announced it declined management’s invitation to participate in the “new” American Airlines’ opening bell ceremony at Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport celebrating the carrier’s first day of stock trading on the NASDAQ. “Make no mistake, this airline has ignored and disrespected IAM members at US Airways

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  • Air Transport December 6, 2013

    IP Buffenbarger Calls on Congress to Block Mobile Voice Calls in Flight

    IAM International President Tom Buffenbarger yesterday called on Congress to intervene and stop a proposal from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) that would allow mobile voice calls in flight. In a move that neither passengers nor flight crews support, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) seeks to “give airline passengers the same communications access in the

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  • Air Transport December 3, 2013

    Machinists Union Calls on Congress in US Airways Dispute

    International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) has called on various state congressional delegations to press US Airways to settle its contract dispute with IAM members at the carrier. IAM members have been in negotiations for the mechanic and related, maintenance training specialist, fleet service and stockroom employees for almost three years. During that

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