Thank You for Participating in the IAM’s Democratic Process

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

I want to thank each and every member who voted on April 24 or by absentee ballot in the IAM’s Grand Lodge Officer Election for General Secretary-Treasurer. Members from across North America have exercised their right to have a say in the future of our great union.

As announced in February, due to the pandemic and mail delays, the IAM extended the deadline to receive absentee ballots until April 29. The IAM also expanded access to absentee voting to anyone who had concerns about voting in person due to COVID-19. It was the right thing to do to encourage participation in our union’s democracy.

The IAM Constitution provides that the official tally begins on May 1. I ask for your patience over the next few weeks as we follow our constitutional process and protect our great tradition of true union democracy.

Thank you, Sisters and Brothers, for participating in this election. We will share the results once a winner is declared.

In solidarity,


Robert Martinez Jr.
International President

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