The Panama Free Trade Agreement (FTA) is one of three pending Bush-negotiated free trade agreements lawmakers are trying to ram through to final passage.
But Congress must vote “No” on this bad trade deal. The Panama FTA contains inequitable tax havens for corporations, while failing to protect Panamanian workers from unsafe working conditions or create new U.S. jobs.
The Economic Policy Institute estimates the proposed U.S. trade agreements with Colombia, South Korea and Panama are likely to eliminate or displace 214,000 U.S. jobs in addition to the 682,900 jobs lost through the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).
Furthermore, the United States loses approximately $100 billion in tax revenues every year due to corporations and individuals sending their money to offshore tax havens like Panama.
Click here to see the real truth behind this financial crime center.
Stop Washington from doing more harm than good. Click “LIKE” on the IAM Facebook page to join our effort against the Panama Free Trade Agreement.