A trio of Machinists Union members from Ohio and Illinois are the latest recipients of Union SAFE grants from Union Plus. The grants, which do not have to be repaid, are designed to assist members of AFL-CIO affiliated unions who are facing financial hardship from health and educational expenses.
The members receiving grants include Chicago Local 49 member Michael Virgilio, who received a $500 Union SAFE College Savings Grant to help with his college expenses; Cleveland Local 439 member Philip Hlasbe, who received a $1,000 Union SAFE Hospital Grant to assist with medical expenses and Chicago Local 701 member Craig Phillips, who received a $500 grant to help reach his college savings goals.
“These are difficult economic times and Union SAFE grants can provide members with help when they need it most,” said IAM General Secretary-Treasurer Warren Mart. “I congratulate these recipients and encourage all IAM members to take advantage of the programs available through Union Privilege and Union Plus.”
Union SAFE (Security. Assistance. Financial Education) grants are provided by Union Plus and Union Privilege, established by the AFL-CIO to provide consumer benefits to members and retirees of participating labor unions.
Visit http://www.unionplus.org/life-planning-services-legal/member-assistance-programs/union-safe-grants-hardship-application-faqs to learn more about Union Privilidge, Union Plus and how to apply for Union SAFE grants.