Friday, April 5 is the last day to sign a White House petition demanding the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) overturn their decision to allow knives on commercial flights. IAM Flight Attendants staged an informational picket Tuesday at Dulles Airport and spoke to passengers about signing the petition.
As of Tuesday, the campaign still needed over 50,000 signatures to warrant a response from the White House. The new rule, which would go into effect April 25, would allow knives on flights for the first time since 9/11.
“As a Flight Attendant, we have enough dangers in our everyday job without adding another potential danger of allowing passengers to carry knives on board the aircraft,” said Dwight Taylor, an ExpressJet Flight Attendant and IAM Grievance Representative.
Watch the new Machinists News Network video here.
Sign the White House petition here.
Tell your congressional representatives you don’t want knives in the sky by calling 202-224-3121.