Tiwaan Bradley Appointed IAM Eastern Territory Special Representative

IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. has appointed IAM District 4 Business Representative Tiwaan Bradley as an Eastern Territory Special Representative. The appointment is effective May 1, 2023.

Bradley initiated into IAM Local 1061 after the successful organizing drive at the IKEA warehouse in New Jersey and soon became active in the Local. He was elected and served as a delegate for Local 1061 for more than 10 years, as well as being elected to Chief Shop Steward, the Negotiating Committee and serving as a District 4 Trustee. In August of 2021, Bradley joined the staff of IAM District 4 as a Business Representative.

“We welcome Tiwaan to the Eastern Territory staff,” said IAM Eastern Territory General Vice President David Sullivan. “I admire his spirit and perseverance at the negotiating table. His knowledge and skills will help strengthen and grow this great union while continuing to serve the members.”

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