![]() ![]() September 7, 2001 To All Concerned TCU Pennsylvania Members During the last session of Congress, when he was up for reelection, Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA) took an active leadership role in promoting Railroad Retirement. He was one of the first to sign on to a joint letter to Senator Roth promoting prompt action on Railroad Retirement. Senator Santorum also wrote to Democratic President Bill Clinton insisting that he also support efforts at passing Railroad Retirement legislation. During this session of Congress, Senator Santorum was elected chairman of the Senate Republican Caucus. Since this election to this leadership role, Senator Santorum has not yet taken the opportunity to cosponsor S. 697, the companion bill to H.R. 1140, the Railroad Retirement & Survivors’ Improvement Act of 2001. There are well over 50,000 families in Pennsylvania that are affected by Railroad Retirement. It is one of the highest concentrations of Railroad Retirement participants in the United States. Please take this time to contact Senator Santorum’s district offices and request that he sign on and cosponsor this vital legislation. As leader of the Republican Senate Caucus, he should fulfill that leadership role. This should not be a difficult task because a majority of the Republican Senators of the Caucus that he leads have indicated support or cosponsorship. In addition, the scoring of this legislation has been improved. If you happen to live near one of Senator Santorum’s district offices, pay a pleasant visit to his staff and stress the importance of the necessity of promptly passing this legislation. I cannot tell you the positive impact that you could have on his Pennsylvania staff who are familiar with the issues concerning the citizens of the state. Note: Many Senate offices have caller ID and are able to identify the location where phone calls originate. It would NOT be helpful if anyone from OUTSIDE of Pennsylvania sought to be helpful and misidentified their location. This could damage our efforts. Please, call only if you are a Pennsylvanian DISTRICT OFFICES
Thank you in advance for your assistance in getting this vital legislation passed.
Involved General Chairman Involved Local/District Chairman