AFL-CIO President Rich Trumka (left) and a coalition of labor and civil rights leaders announced today they will push the White House to act without delay on a program to relieve the nation’s Jobs crisis. With Trumka (l to r) are Economic Policy Institute President Larry Mishel, Leadership Conference on Civil Rights President (LCCR) Wade Henderson and National Council of La Raza (NCLR) President Janet Murguia. |
Echoing the IAM’s months-long JOBS Now! campaign, AFL-CIO President Rich Trumka and a coalition of labor and civil rights leaders today announced they will push the White House and Congress for urgent action to address the ongoing jobs crisis.
During a panel discussion at the Economic Policy Institute’s “Spotlight on Jobs” Conference, Trumka said the only way to pull this country out of this recession is with bold programs that put millions of Americans who are currently unemployed back to work.
“Millions of families aren’t seeing any relief,” said Trumka. “The hurt is deep, and it runs the risk of lasting a generation. It’s scarred children. It’s hitting people of all ages and races and occupations living in all kinds of communities — rural, urban, suburban. The damage to African American and Hispanic workers has been especially devastating.
“Doing nothing is not an option,” said Trumka. “If we don’t act, everything will be worse — including our federal budget deficit. America needs jobs and we need those JOBS Now!”
Trumka laid out five critical points that must be part of a new jobs agenda, including: extending the lifeline for jobless workers; rebuilding America’s schools, roads and energy systems; increase aid to state and local governments to maintain vital services; funding jobs in our communities and putting TARP funds to work for Main Street.
The AFL-CIO and civil leaders will be taking the 5-point jobs program to the White House and Congress, starting with President Barack Obama’s December 3rd Jobs Summit. But you can do your part right now! Click here to send a letter to the president and Congress demanding their support of JOBS Now! today. Once done, join our JOBS Now! cause on Facebook and share the link with your family and friends.