Comments and suggestions are coming in as nearly 2,000 members of Union of Unemployed, or UCubed, help craft a 16-point plan to reverse the U.S. jobs crisis.
The Hire US, America plan focuses on creating jobs for the unemployed and easing their crushing financial burdens. Key features include the creation of a public sector jobs program similar to the Works Progress Administration (WPA) and development of a national industrial policy aimed at reviving the production of American-made goods. Long-term extensions of unemployment benefits, continuation of the COBRA subsidy and a new Tier V benefit for workers who have been unemployed for more than two years are integral parts of the draft plan.
UCubed members have been asked to weigh in. On May 1st, the revised plan will be posted as an online survey where UCubed activists can vote on each policy point. The final version will become the focal point of a nationwide campaign that will include personal visits to lawmakers and candidates, as well as public events to highlight the candidates’ support or indifference to the plight of jobless Americans.
For more on Hire US, America, additional resources and to send in your suggestions, click here.