UCubed Members Say ‘Thank You’ to Jobs-Friendly Politicians

The Union of Unemployed (UCubed) launched a campaign to enable its unemployed and underemployed leaders to say “thank you” to politicians who have stood by them throughout this Great Recession.

The UCubed Thank You page allows the jobless to post a personalized message to a senator, governor, Member of Congress or state legislator.

“The political impulse this year is clear: vote against ALL incumbents,” said UCubed Executive Director Rick Sloan in an email to UCubed’s more than 90,000 members. “Their policies failed to get us back to work. Or worse yet, their policies made our lives even more miserable. Case closed. Or is it? What about those who did more than ‘talk, talk, talk’ about jobs? Who fought for extended unemployment insurance? Who argued for a Tier V for 99ers? Who pushed legislation that could create jobs? Who made the case that the jobless needed more lifelines and fewer breadlines? Is it ‘case closed’ for them, too?”

Although UCubed does not endorse candidates, its members can. UCubed believes those personal endorsements carry real weight.

“An all-inclusive, vote-the-bums-out approach, as gratifying as that might feel, does more harm than good,” said Sloan. “We are smarter, shrewder and savvier than that. We can save our friends. And we can focus our ice-cold fury in order to end the careers of our foes.”

See the UCubed Thank You page here.

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