Last chance! Congress must pass a year-long extension of unemployment benefits before the holidays.
Unless Congress reauthorizes the current program before it expires on November 30th, jobless benefits will be cut off for about 2 million workers by the end of December.
Act now. Participate in the Unemployment Insurance Lobby Day on Wednesday, December 1st.
Meet in person, send an email or call your Senators and member of Congress.
Here’s how:
Prepare to join hundreds of unemployed workers, union leaders, activists and Democratic members of the Senate and House leadership on December 1st from 10 am – 3:30 pm. The day will begin with a legislative briefing at AFL-CIO headquarters, located at 815 16th St. NW, Washington, DC, 20006, followed by a press conference on Capitol Hill. Afterwards, participants will visit the DC offices of their Senators and Representative to lobby for a year-long unemployment extension.
Click here to register. Also email to let us know you’re coming.
Click here to email your Senators and Representative a letter demanding extended unemployment benefits.
Call the U.S. Capitol switchboard at 1-877-662-2889. An operator will connect you directly with the office you request.
The jobless need our help. Please mark your calendar and plan to take one of the three above actions on Wednesday, December 1st. Also, share this message with your friends and family. Encourage them to join you for Unemployment Insurance Lobby Day.