U.S. Congressman Visits Midwest Territory Office

From left, GLR Rod Hoffman, SR Jorge Saenz, ER Ed Manhart, AA Roger Nauyalis, Congressman Daniel Lipinski, Local 126 DBR Joe Pijanowski, GVP Philip J. Gruber, CR Michael D. King and Local 701 DBR Dennis Jawor.

From left, GLR Rod Hoffman, SR Jorge Saenz, ER Ed Manhart, AA Roger Nauyalis, Congressman Daniel Lipinski, Local 126 DBR Joe Pijanowski, GVP Philip J. Gruber, CR Michael D. King and Local 701 DBR Dennis Jawor.

Illinois Democratic Congressman Daniel Lipinski recently visited with IAM representatives at the union’s Midwest Territory office to discuss issues of importance to Machinists in Illinois and throughout the nine-state territory. Those issues include creating jobs, health care reform, passage of the Employee Free Choice Act and the development of a national manufacturing strategy.

The Congressman serves on the House Committee on Transportation & Infrastructure and three transportation subcommittees, including: Highways, Transit, & Safety Programs; Railroads, Pipelines & Hazardous Materials and Aviation. 



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