TCU has established the Political Education Program —PEP— to strengthen our legislative efforts financed from union funds. These efforts include activities to promote legislative research, campaigns to encourage voting, lobbying for legislation we support, and education programs either through our publications or at special conferences.
To supplement what monies the Grand Lodge assigns for such initiatives, PEP encourages contributions from local lodges, districts and boards.
PEP’s goals are aimed at educating our members and their families about political issues and candidates, encouraging them to register and urging them to vote. It is vital to remember that PEP contributions go only toward political education for members and their families, not the general public. Lodge, district or system board treasury funds used for PEP purposes are not counted as candidate contributions and, therefore, such funds can be contributed to PEP.
Local lodge or district treasury funds may be used for financing fundraising drives, such as direct mail appeals to members, personal contacts, raffles and dances; however, under certain conditions certain expenditures must be reported. Local units should contact TCU’s Legislative Department when considering such activities.