The upcoming election is really, really important. We have to stand up for our values: good, sustainable jobs; access to post-secondary education and apprenticeships; racial and gender justice; trade deals that work for working people; and more.
That’s why the AFL-CIO’s NextUp Young Worker group is launching an effort to make sure young people are educated about this year’s election.
Here’s three things you can do to change the course of history before November:
- Post a video to encourage young people to vote. We know that Donald Trump is anti-union and doesn’t stand with working people. More than ever, it’s up to us to remind people that we vote to express our values, and we know our values will help working people. Will you share a 30 second video on social media, using #ThisIsWhyIVote, telling your friends and family why you vote? Sharing our values is what moves people and it works! If you’re an IAM member, be sure to tag the Machinists Union in your post!
- Help us register more young people to vote. 21 percent of eligible voters are under age 30. We have to get them registered! Commit to registering 100 people to vote between now and Sept ember 27, which is also National Voter Registration Day. That day, we’ll coordinate events across the country with Young Worker Groups, and use social media to highlight what young union members across can do.
- Show young workers’ power by leading a canvass October 8. Less than 20 percent of the eligible under-30 population voted in the 2014 elections. Let’s commit to change that this year. You can help by talking to your friends and neighbors about the importance of voting now through Labor 2016. On October 8, we’ll work together to showcase the power of young workers and activists by staging young worker canvasses across the country. Commit to join us! Door knocking is good exercise, AND we’ll be doing our civic duty to get young people to vote.
Commit now to get young people active in this YUGE election!