Machinist Union members, representatives, staff and volunteers of District 70 in Wichita, KS delivered nearly 1,000 Angels and their gifts to the Salvation Army’s 2020 Angel Tree Program last week.
“Our community has suffered greatly from layoffs, furloughs and the COVID-19 pandemic, which has caused a much greater need in our community this year,” said IAM District 70 President and Directing Business Representative Cornell Beard. “We hope to help fill the need. To ease the burden for those who are faced with the stress of lost wages and benefits. To brighten the holidays for children and families in our community.”
District 70 members continue to strive to make a difference in their communities despite a global pandemic.
The Salvation Army’s 2020 Angel Tree program encourages people to give back to their local communities. It allows people the ability to give holiday joy and gifts to children in need who would otherwise be left out during the holidays. People can donate and share with those less fortunate who live in their own city, town and county.