Women often postpone their own check ups and physicals to take care of other family members’ health needs. During the week of May 9 -15, women are encouraged to remember their own health concerns, schedule appointments and educate themselves on symptoms and preventive measures for illnesses that are specific to women. One such illness is cervical cancer and the predominate cause, the human papilloma virus (HPV).
The good news is a vaccine has been developed to prevent HPV, the bad news is in a recent survey conducted by the National Women’s Health Resource Center (NWHRC) a large percentage of women are unaware of HPV, its connection to cervical cancer and the preventative measures available.
IAM Executive Assistant Diane Babineaux is calling on the women’s committees to publicize the facts about prevention and treatment of HPV. “Publish articles in your newsletters, post fliers on the bulletin boards, encourage each other to schedule physicals and take the Pearl of Wisdom pledge,” said Babineaux.
The Pearl of Wisdom pledge is part of an outreach program being promoted by the Coalition of Labor Union Wome (CLUW), Cervical Cancer Prevention Works project, Tamika and Friends, as well as other women’s health organizations. Pearl of Wisdon pins, made by IAM members of Local 447, are available at www.pearlofwisdom.us/pledge. Additional information is available at the following websites: